Writing Samples

2021-22: open-forum-series-paul-manuel-september-2021

2020: Manuel, On Religious Restriction in France, Oxford Research Enc

2019: Manuel-Glatzer2019_Chapter_TheStateReligiousInstitutionsA

2018: How_the_Theological_Priorities_of_Pope_F (1)

2016: Manuel, CES Open Forum, Corporal Works of Mercy in a Time of

2015 Cammisa and Manuel, Religious Groups as Interst Groups (2015)

2014: Catholic Social Teaching and American Politics

2013: The Roman Catholic Church and Political Regime in Portugal and Spain by Paul Christopher Manuel

2013: Manuel, CES Open Forum, Roman Catholicism in Contemporary Portugal

2012: paul-manuel-portuguese_exceptionalism_and_the_return-to-europe

2008: Manuel and Tollefsen (2008), Abortion in Portugal

2008: Op Ed by Paul Manuel and Anne Marie Cammisa

2006: paul-manuel-une_messe_est_possible_the_imbroglio_of

2004: Piety and Politics Paul Manuel

2003: Royo and Manuel (2003) , Portugal and Spain in the European Union

2002: Religion and Politics in Iberia

1999: Hamann and Manuel (1999) Civil Society in 20th Century Portug